Tuesday 28 June 2016

Mountain Project Ink Drawings 

(A5) I have created a series of ink drawings of landscapes which I have experienced. In this project I focused on the marks upon the mountains to depict the atmosphere of the landscapes.

Final Piece, Mountain

(Larger than A1) This is my final piece for this years project displaying the view from the top of Scafell Pike which I climbed in May. I created this drawing using Indian ink and worked on a much larger scale than I usually do to display the intricate details upon the mountain. 

Friday 24 June 2016

Detailed Pen Drawing, Mountain


'Cuppa Tea'

(A5) Pencil

Pokemon Mimikyu Illustration

Check out more Pokemon Illustrations on my Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/bulba_draw/

Digital Image, Space Balloons

Made on Paint Tool SAI

A2 Project: Surreal Interiors 


A2 Project: Surreal Interiors , Skull

(A4) Pencil, acrylic and pen

Budi Kwan Transcription 

(A5) Acrylic

Digital Design - Japanese Lanterns
I created the digital image on Paint Tool SAI. I first created the night sky using the different tools and brushes and blended together many different tones in different layers. I then manipulated the piece into my friend's silhouette to create a Surreal Interior.

A2 Project, Insects: Mechanical Insects

An insect is an incredibly complex organism despite being so small in size. I have combined mechanical parts with insects to emphasise their immense structures and how they operateI was inspired by the artist Mike Libby who makes sculptures and models using a diverse range of materials. On this bionic hornet, I decided to create a bionic wing with cogs. There is a clear contrast between the delicacy of the wing in comparison to the harsh, absolute appearance of the artificial wing. The cogs therefore act as a symbol to show how complex the mechanism of wings are.

Monday 2 May 2016

A2 Project, Insects: Coloured Pencil Beetle

(A5/4) I am most confident with using coloured pencil where I love to blend the different colours and tones together to create realistic designs. I have created a sense of distance, especially with the shadowing beneath the beetle where it is almost lifted off the page. 

A2 Project, Insects: Artist Research - Ergin Inan

Ergin Inan is the most influential artist who I studied during my project. He mainly uses collage materials to draw and paint his realistic insect designs upon. I was mainly drawn towards the immense complexity of his paintings, along with the intensity of the backgrounds which he creates. He expresses how the life of both humans and insects interlink in our world.

A2 Project, Insects: Experimental Pages 

These pages show my experimental work in the style of Ergin Inan. Through such experimental work I familiarised myself with his style and the different techniques which he uses. 

A2 Project, Insects: Acrylic Painting, Beetle

(A4) Inspired by Ergin Inan, I painted this beetle upon a collage background involving materials which include memories. I used vibrant colours on the insect which clash with the pale tones of the background. I  accurately blended together the colours to replicate the smooth surface of the beetle.

A2 Project, Insects: Biro Dragonfly

The intricate, naturalistic patterns highlight the insects delicacy and how it harmonises with its environment. I made sure that my shading added to the depth of the design through varying the tones and by using different techniques, for example, crosshatching

A2 Project, Insects: Acrylic Dragonfly

The complimentary colours emphasise how the patterns cohere and almost flow into one another. In difference, the darker tones give the design a more three dimensional edge. 

A2 Project Insects: Final Design, Beetles
A2 Project Insects: Final Design, Beetles